How to Create a Blog Post

If you are not familiar with Blogger, it's an easy document editor, just like Google Docs or Microsoft Word. To access Blogger, you will use the same login credentials as you do for your account. Once you are logged in and on the blog, click the compose button at the top to start your post:

You will be taken to the blog post editor:

If you prefer to use HTML formatting, click HTML View at 1. Otherwise, keep Compose View selected.

Please begin your blog post by entering the title and your name (either in the title section or as the first line in your blog entry).

When you are creating your blog post, you can insert images/videos/gifs found at 2.

To preview formatting as you are composing, click Preview at 3. If you want to save a draft, click the down arrow and click Save.

Make sure you type in the appropriate label (e.g. Lab 1 if you are posting for Lab 1for your blog submission at 4 so that your classmates can find your lab and comment on it.

To publish your blog post, click Publish at 5.

SAVE OFTEN so you do not time out and lose your work.
